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Contacts: 127490, Moscow, Decabristov st., b.51, h. 25.

Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring (NTs OMZ)

Phone.: (495) 925-04-19     
Fax: (499) 204-77-45    
E-mail: ntsomz@ntsomz.ru, service@ntsomz.ru    
Web: ntsomz.ru

     As part of NUCLEON space experiment, the employees of NTs OMZ provide reception, allocation and initial archiving of scientific data from the “Resurs-P” No.2 spacecraft, where the scientific equipment of the experiment is installed. To solve these problems, the NUCLEON Scientific Information Processing Center (NUCLEON SIPC) was established in the NTs OMZ, which includes both equipment for receiving and transmitting data, and specialized software for processing them. In addition, NTs OMZ participates in the management of NUCLEON scientific equipment, preparing control commands and data sets for issuance to the spacecraft in a special format on the instructions of the SINP MSU.
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